Moduretic 5/50 mg Tabs 30'S diuretic

Used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), heart failure, or extra fluid in the body (edema)
SKU: 106058
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4.50 $

Moduretic 5/50 mg Tabs 30'S

Hydrochlorothiazide & Amiloride Hydrochloride

• Moduretic contains amiloride and hydrochlorothiazide.

• They belong to the group of medicines known as water tablets (diuretics).

• They work by increasing the amount of urine that passes from your body.

• This lowers your blood pressure or removes excess water from your body.

Active ingredients:

Hydrochlorothiazide, Amiloride Hydrochloride


Moduretic is used for:

• heart failure.
• high blood pressure.
• fluid retention caused by a liver disease called ‘cirrhosis’.

How to use:
The recommended doses are:
• The usual starting dose is half a tablet each day.
• Your doctor may change your dose to one tablet given each day.
• Your doctor may spread out the dose or give it as a single dose.

Side Effects:
• Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach/abdominal pain, gas, or diarrhea may occur.

Do not take Moduretic tablets:
• If you are allergic to hydrochlorothiazide and amiloride hydrochloride or any of the other ingredients of this medicine.
• If you have diabetes (a high blood sugar level)
• If you have been told by your doctor you have high levels of urea, creatinine, potassium, or calcium in your blood.
• If you are allergic to a type of antibiotic called sulfonamides, such as sulfamethoxazole
• If you are allergic to acetazolamide which is a diuretic used to remove fluid from the body and to treat high pressure in the eye (glaucoma), heart problems, and sometimes fits or epilepsy.
• If you are allergic to any other ‘thiazide’ water tablet (diuretic).
• If you are taking potassium-sparing water tablets (diuretics) such as eplerenone, spironolactone, or triamterene.
• If you are taking a potassium supplement or medicine containing potassium or you eat potassium-rich food
• If you suffer from kidney or liver disease.
• If you have Addison’s disease.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Moduretic if:
• You experience a decrease in vision or eye pain. These could be symptoms of fluid accumulation in the vascular layer of the eye (choroidal effusion) or an increase of pressure in your eye and can happen within hours to a week of taking Moduretic. This can lead to permanent vision loss, if not treated. If you earlier have had a penicillin or sulfonamide allergy, you can be at higher risk of developing this.
• You have been told by your doctor you have high levels of uric acid, cholesterol, or triglycerides in your blood.
• You are taking digitalis such as digoxin - used for heart failure and abnormal heartbeat.
• You are being given fluids by a tube inserted into one of your veins.
• You have recently suffered from severe vomiting or diarrhea.
• You have Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
• You are elderly.
• You have gout.
• You have had skin cancer or if you develop an unexpected skin lesion during the treatment.
• Treatment with hydrochlorothiazide, particularly long-term use with high doses, may increase the risk of some types of skin and lip cancer (non-melanoma skin cancer). Protect your skin from sun exposure and UV rays while taking Moduretic.

30 Tabs

Store at room temperature